Special K's (Katie, Kim and Ken)
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Special K's (Katie, Kim and Ken)

We are so happy to finally be participating in the 15th Annual Kayakathon with All Out Adventures !!!!  It has been a dream of mine for over a decade!   It takes a "village", and AOA is a huge part of our "village".  Since bringing Katie home (after her life-changing accident), AOA has provided us years of recreational activities that we could only dream about without the help of their amazing staff!  We have camped (can't wait to do that again :), hiked, biked, kayaked, and skated (in a sled)....  Yes, Katie keeps us busy, but we are all enjoying giving her the best, most "normal" life that we can....... AOA allows us this opportunity! 

The Kayakathon is their most important fundraising event (18% of their operating costs) and we are thrilled to finally be in the position to participate and raise money for this worthy cause!  We are a strong team of three (plus a couple of caregivers behind the scenes) that are pleading for your support!  We are required to raise 150.00/team member but we are hoping to raise so much more than that with your help. It will be a long day but one that we are looking forward to!   We have welcomed them back from their day on the water many times.  So happy to be a part of this event and to be welcomed back from the water by our "village" and many others!  It is an amazing event and one that we hope that you find the passion in supporting !!!!!  Thank You All 😊 

ABOUT The 15th Annual Kayak-a-thon

Join me in supporting the 15th Annual Kayak-a-thon, the signature fundraiser of All Out Adventures

On Sunday, September 10, approximately 100 paddlers of all ages and abilities will gather to kayak, canoe, and SUP from Sunderland to Hatfield to Northampton on the Connecticut River to raise funding and awarenes of adaptive outdoor recreation programs.

All Out Adventures is a Northampton, MA based nonprofit organization that facilitates about 180 outdoor recreation program each year throughout Massachusetts for veterans, seniors, and people with disabilities and their loved ones.  Through adaptive equipment, and high-trained staff, All Out Adventures works to break down barriers to participation in outdoor recreation.  Funds raised from the Kayak-a-thon support AOA's efforts to continue to provide these programs at no or low cost so that people of all ages and abilities can participate, regardless of financial means.



Special K's

  Raised: $2,698.65
  Goal: $2,000.00